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Post-Operation Care

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Paving the Way to Healthy Recovery

Surgery is always a traumatic experience for the body and generally only chosen when there are no better options. After undergoing surgery, your body may be left with ongoing pain and physical limitations as a natural result of the recovery process.

Northwest Therapy Services seeks to assist patients with post-operation care to alleviate pain and further expedite the healing process. After the initial healing has taken place, we can move forward by helping you engage in exercises that rehabilitate and strengthen the affected area.   

How the Recovery Process Works

Whenever you undergo surgery, your surgeons and doctors will take every step to ensure that your body is able to safely and effectively recover following the operation. You'll typically feel the usual pain and swelling as your body intelligently uses its resources to heal the damaged tissue.

Once your body undergoes this process, you will see a reduction and swelling and pain. In some cases, however, you may be left with lingering pain and lack your usual range of motion. Physical therapy helps you engage and rebuild the affected muscles so that, in time, you'll regain your usual physical functionality.

It's helpful to take initiative when it comes to your own recovery, and in some cases, essential if you want to return to your normal level of activity. Our caring and dedicated team will be with you every step of the way to ensure that happens.

Other Benefits of Physical Therapy

While it's possible to heal naturally following an operation, you may be left with excess scar tissue that reduces mobility and can even lead to blood clots.

Physical therapy helps to break apart tissue that is damaged or improperly healed. We then focus on promoting elasticity and flexibility in the muscle so that it can return to its proper form.

Post-Operation Care in Ray

The increase in movement and circulation helps to manage pain, promotes balance, strength, and coordination, and effectively reduces your risk of cardiovascular issues.

To get the most out of your post-op recovery, lean on Northwest Therapy Services to help you on your road to recovery.
F E A T U R E S  A N D  B E N E F I T S

Why Choose Northwest Therapy Services?

Stronger Body

We help you create a stronger body that's more resistant to strains and injury in future activity.

Faster Recovery

Physical therapy is proven to enhance the recovery time following injuries or surgical operations.

Get Active

Therapy is designed to enhance your motor skills and allow you to lead a healthy, active lifestyle.

Easy Scheduling

Schedule your care online, by phone, or with your therapist following your treatment.

Get Educated

What you learn from physical therapy applies to the rest of your life. Learn to take care of your body right.

Chart Progress

We chart your progress so that you can see how far you've come, and what it takes to see the finish.
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