As we grow older, our bodies become more vulnerable to chronic conditions, and we lose strength and mobility without proper exercise.
Northwest Therapy Services
is here to help our community's seniors live a life that's healthier and pain free with our senior care physical therapy services. We can help you manage pain and maintain the physical abilities necessary to lead a normal life.
Overcoming Chronic Conditions
The reality is that there are various diseases and conditions that are far more prevalent in senior citizens. These issues have a major impact on your quality of life and can reduce your motor skills if not leave you at risk for serious complications.
Issues such as chronic muscle or joint pain, arthritis, neurological conditions, or even broken bones related to osteoporosis become more prevalent with age. With regular activity via physical therapy that's tailored to your needs, you can regain the strength and coordination you need to stay strong, maintain balance, and avoid accidental falls, injuries, and diminished motor function caused by illness or disease.
If you or a senior you know in your life is suffering from chronic pain, reduced motor function, or at high risk for injury, Northwest Therapy Services
wants to help. Reclaim your life with the help of your dedicated physical therapist.
Other Modes of Therapy
While it's ideal to get the body accustomed to regular movement, you may need some additional assistance getting there. Making effective use of external elements such as heat or cold can stimulate the body in necessary ways.
Northwest Therapy Services
utilizes state-of-the-art technology to provide you cold therapy, heat therapy, electrical stimulation, and so much more.
Stimulation Heals the Body
Utilizing specific external factors can create desired effects in the body such as decreased inflammation or increased blood flow. This can help to mitigate pain, treat diseases, and help you make the transition toward manual therapy.
Don't let your age be the deciding factor on your quality of life. Come to Northwest Therapy Services
for all the senior assistance you need to live well.
Why Choose Northwest Therapy Services?
Stronger Body
We help you create a stronger body that's more resistant to strains and injury in future activity.
Faster Recovery
Physical therapy is proven to enhance the recovery time following injuries or surgical operations.
Get Active
Therapy is designed to enhance your motor skills and allow you to lead a healthy, active lifestyle.
Easy Scheduling
Schedule your care online, by phone, or with your therapist following your treatment.
Get Educated
What you learn from physical therapy applies to the rest of your life. Learn to take care of your body right.
Chart Progress
We chart your progress so that you can see how far you've come, and what it takes to see the finish.
Northwest Therapy is dedicated to providing the highest level of quality, individualized therapy and treatment. . Our therapists work in collaboration with healthcare providers, parents / guardians, schools, caregivers and families to provide the best quality of care to our clients. Call us today!